§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Colonial Letters Patent* (No. 189); Militia Ballots Suspension * (No. 190).
§ Second Reading—Passengers Act Amendment (No. 163).
§ Committee—Mutiny (East India) Act Repeal* (No. 153).
§ Report—Thames Embankment (South Side)* (No. 162), reported specially; British Columbia Boundaries [H.L.]* (No. 149); Oaths Relief in Criminal Proceedings (Scotland)* (No. 72).
§ Third Reading—Naval Medical Supplemental Fund Society Winding-up Act, 1861, Amendment* (No. 184); Jurisdiction of Justices [H.L.] * (No. 172); District Parochial Churches (Ireland)* (No. 186); and severally passed.