HL Deb 21 April 1863 vol 170 c464

LORD STANLEY OF ALDERLEY moved the second reading of this Bill. By the Act of 1858 it was provided that all parishes adopting that Act should be exempted from the obligations of the Highways Act. A number of small parishes had taken advantage of that provision, although there was nothing in their circumstances to justify an exemption from the Highways Act, which exemption was intended to be granted only to large and populous parishes; and the object of the present Bill was to restrict the adoption of the Local Government Act to populations of not less than 3,000, unless under special circumstances the Secretary of State should otherwise determine.


said, he would offer no opposition to the Bill; but he desired to observe that several parishes in Lincolnshire had in public meeting unanimously resolved to adopt the Local Government Act, and publication in the Gazette was all that remained to be done in order to secure for those parishes the application of the provisions of the Act; but, in consequence of the introduction of the present measure, the publication in the Gazette was suspended, and everything done by those parishes would be frustrated through the retrospective operation of the Bill.


explained that the adoption of the Local Government Act by any place previous to the 1st of March would not be affected by any retrospective action of the Bill.

Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Thursday next.

House adjourned at half past Five o'clock, till Thursday next, a quarter before Five o'clock.