§ THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLErose to appeal to the noble Earl opposite (the Earl of Leitrim) to put off a Motion of which he had given notice for returns in reference to the arming and discipline of the constabulary force in Ireland. The Notice had only been placed on the paper on the previous evening; and as the Returns could only be obtained from Ireland, he must refuse them if the noble Earl pressed his Motion at that time.
THE EARL OF LEITRIMsaid, his object was to draw the attention of the House to resolutions of the grand juries of Longford and Roscommon, finding fault with the present organization of the constabulary force, and expressing dissatisfaction at information being withheld from the justices by the police. The noble Earl then moved,
That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty for,
- 1. Copy of a Resolution adopted by the Grand Jury of the County of Longford, expressing their Opinion of the Necessity that some Change should be made with regard to the Arming and Discipline of the Police in Ireland; and all Correspondence connected with that Resolution:
- 2. Copy of the Informations taken by any of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Longford against William Clarke and Patrick Clarke of the County of Longford, for the alleged Crime of soliciting to Murder:
- 3. Copy of the Indictment against William Clarke and Patrick Clarke for the Charges brought against them at the late Summer Assizes:
- 4. Copy of the Verdict of the Jury at the late Summer Assizes for the County of Longford in the Case of "The Crown v. William Clarke and Patrick Clarke" under such Indictment:
- 5. The Amount paid to the Informant Bryan Young, alias Ross, by the Police, or by any Order of the Government, either previous to or subsequent to the above Trial:
979- 6. The Total Cost of the above Trial, either in Fees of Counsel, Expenses of Police, or any other Expenditure relative to this Trial, under whatever Heads the Money may have been paid:
- 7. Copy of all Correspondence connected with this Trial.
§ THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLEsaid, he did not think that the Government would be doing its duty to the public if they published the mass of papers for which the noble Earl asked, merely for the purpose of supporting the vague charges which he was in the habit of making against the Irish police force.
THE EARL OF LEITRIMconsidered that he had done his duty in bringing the subject forward, and should always, notwithstanding the imputations the noble Duke had cast upon him, bring before their Lordships any abuses that came under his notice.
§ On Question, Resolved in the Negative.
§ House adjourned at a quarter past Seven o'clock, to Thursday next, half past Four o'clock.