HL Deb 21 July 1862 vol 168 cc586-7

rose, according to notice, to call attention to certain recent Occurrences at Parkhurst Prison; and to inquire whether full Information has been received on the Matter by Her Majesty's Government; and, if so, what Course has in consequence been adopted? The facts were shortly these. Some time ago one of the warders was assaulted in Parkhurst by one of the convicts, and he remained for some time in a dangerous state in consequence of the injuries he received. As far as he could ascertain, no punishment had been inflicted on the man for that assault. About six months ago another warder was assaulted by several convicts, in consequence of which he had to resign his situation, and soon afterwards died, leaving a widow and children. No steps had been taken to punish these men; and when the period of their sentence had expired, they were let loose upon society. Application was made on behalf of the widow and children of the warder to the directors of the prison for compensation; but that application was made in vain. He thought this was a state of things which required to be amended, and he hoped the noble Earl would give a satisfactory answer on the subject.


was understood to say, that he was not then in a position to give the noble Lord such an answer as would be satisfactory to him, but would make further inquiry on the subject.