HL Deb 25 July 1861 vol 164 c1479

Order of the Day for the House to be put into a Committee on this Bill read.

Moved, that the House do go into Committee upon this Bill.


appealed to the Government to give further time to prepare Amendments. He admitted that there were grievances to be remedied, and that it was desirable to make some change; but this change was extremely violent, and would, he believed, work injustice. He wished particularly to direct attention to the great alteration in the value of property which would result from the new principle of rating provided by the Bill. In one union with which he was acquainted the rating of one parish would be reduced from £940 to £530, and that of another would be raised from £68 to £204. Such an alteration ought to be carefully considered, and there had been no time to consider it. The principle of the measure had been affirmed, and he had no desire to offer any factious opposition.


thought there was no reason whatever why they should not proceed with the Bill to-night.

On Question, agreed to.

House in Committee.


said, that he had offered several suggestions, of none of which the Government had thought it necessary to take any notice, though they involved what he considered to be very important questions. He begged to give notice that on the third reading of the Bill he should move that the Bill have an effect which should be only temporary.


said, he should not be prepared to agree to any such Amendment on the part of Her Majesty's Government.

Bill reported without Amendment, and to be read 3a on Monday next.