HL Deb 06 August 1861 vol 164 cc1886-90

was this day prorogued by Commission.


— namely, THE LORD CHANCELLOR (Lord Westbury); THE LORD PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL (Earl Granville); The Lord Steward (The Earl of St. Germans); THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN (Viscount Sydney); and THE LORD MONTEAGLE OF BRANDON—being in their robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack; and the COMMINS being come with their Speaker, the ROYAL ASSENT was given to several Rills.

Then The LORD CHANCELLOR delivered the Speech of the LORDS COMMISSIONERS as follows:—

" My Lords, and Gentlemen,

We are commanded by Her Majesty to release you from further Attendance in Parliament, and at the same Time to convey to you Her Ma- jesty's Acknowledgments for the Zeal and Assiduity with which you have applied yourselves to the Performance of your Duties during the Session of Parliament now brought to a Close. HER Majesty commands us to inform you, that Her Relations with Foreign Powers are friendly and satisfactory, and Her Majesty trusts that there is no Danger of any Disturbance of the Peace of Europe. THW Progress of Events in Italy has led to the Union of the greater Part of that Peninsula in One Monarchy under King Victor Emmanuel. Her Majesty has, throughout, abstained from any active Interference in the Transactions which have led to this Result, and Her earnest Wish as to these Affairs is, that they may be settled in the Manner best suited to the Welfare and Happiness of the Italian People. THE Dissensions which arose some Months ago in the United States of North America have, Unfortunately, assumed the Character of open War. Her Majesty, deeply lamenting this calamitous Result, has determined, in common with the other Powers of Europe, to preserve a strict Neutrality between the contending Parties. HER Majesty commands us to inform you that the Measures adopted for the Restoration of Order and Tranquillity in Syria, in virtue of Conventions between Her Majesty, The Emperor of Austria, The Emperor of the French, The King of Prussia, The Emperor of Russia, and The Sultan, having accomplished their Purpose, the European Troops which, in pursuance of those Conventions, were for a Time stationed in Syria to co-operate with the Troops and Authorities of The Sultan, have been withdrawn; and Her Majesty trusts that the Arrangements which have been made for the Administration of the Districts which had been disturbed will henceforth secure their internal Tranquillity. HER Majesty has seen with Satisfaction the rapid Improvement in the internal Condition of Her East Indian Territories, and the Progress which has been made towards equalizing the Revenue and Expenditure of that part of Her Empire. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, HER Majesty commands us to convey to you Her warm Acknowledgments for the liberal Supplies which you have granted for the Service of the present Year; and Her Majesty has seen with Satisfaction that, after amply providing for the Wants of the Public Service, you have been able to make a sensible Diminution in the Taxes levied upon Her People. My Lords, and Gentlemen, HER Majesty commands us to express to you the deep Gratification with which She has witnessed the Spirit of devoted Patriotism which continues to animate Her Volunteer Forces, and the Admiration with which She has observed their rapid Progress in Discipline and Military Efficiency. HER Majesty has given Her cordial Assent to the Act for completing the Number of the Members of the House of Commons by allotting the forfeited Seats of Sudbury and Saint Albans. HER Majesty trusts that the Act for improving the Laws relating to Bankruptcy and Insolvency will be productive of important Advantage to the Trade and Commerce of Her Subjects. HER Majesty has given Her ready Assent to Acts for consolidating and assimilating the Criminal Law of England and Ireland, and for promoting the Revision of the Statute Law. HER Majesty has given Her Assent to important Acts which She trusts will have the Effect of opening more largely Employment in the Public Service to the European and Native Inhabitants of India, of improving the Means of Legislation, of furthering the Ends of Justice, and of promoting the Contentment and Well-being of all Classes of Her Majesty's Indian Subjects. HER Majesty has assented with Pleasure to the Act for the Improvement of Harbours on the Coast of the United Kingdom, and for relieving Merchant Shipping from Passing Tolls, and also to the Act for improving the Administration of the Law relating to the Relief and the Removal of the Poor. HER Majesty trusts that the Act for rendering more easy Arrangements connected with the Drainage of Land will assist Agricultural Improvements in many Parts of the United Kingdom. Her Majesty has gladly given Her Assent to many other Measures of public Usefulness, the Results of your Labours during the Session now brought to its Close. HER Majesty has observed, with heartfelt Satisfaction, the Spirit of Loyalty, of Order, and of Obedience to the Law, which prevails throughout all Her Dominions; and She trusts that by wise Legislation, and a just Administration of the Law, the Continuance of this happy State of Things will be secured. ON returning to your respective Counties you will still have important public Duties to perform; and Her Majesty fervently prays that the Blessing of Almighty God may attend your Exertions, and may guide them to the Attainment of the Objects of Her Majesty's constant Solicitude—the Welfare and Happiness of Her People.

Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.

After which



My Lords and Gentlemen,

By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name, and in obedience to Her Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Tuesday, the Twenty-second Day of October next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday, the Twenty-second Day of October next.