HL Deb 01 August 1861 vol 164 c1817

said, that some time ago he had called their Lordships' attention to the present state of Leicester Square Garden. Since then he had learned that "the Great Globe" was about to be removed, and there was a disposition to restore the Square to its former condition; but it appeared there were grave doubts as to what the law was on this subject, or what were the rights of the proprietors. There were powers in the Metropolis Local Management Act to preserve all open spaces; but there was some doubt whether these powers extended to the restoration of this Square to its former condition, though it had been a garden for more than a century. In order that it might not be supposed that he had lost sight of the subject, he begged now to lay on their Lordships' table a Bill for the Protection of certain Garden or Ornamental Grounds in Cities and Boroughs.

Bill, —That Gardens in Squares, &c, of Fifty Years standing may be freed from Neglect, Encroachments, &o. and vested in a Committee of Rated Inhabitants, or if such decline, in the Metropolitan Board of "Works or Corporate Authority, —presented, and read la.