HL Deb 17 February 1860 vol 156 c1205

THE LORD CHANCELLOR laid upon the table of the House the third and last Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into Process, Practice, and System of Pleading in the Superior Courts of Common Law at Westminster. The noble and learned Lord then proceeded to state that he could not refrain from availing himself of that opportunity of expressing the high sense which he entertained of the services rendered to the cause of law reform by those four Commissioners—Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, Mr. Baron Martin, Mr. Justice Willes, and Mr. Walton, the Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer.


entirely agreed in the testimony borne by his noble and learned Friend to the great merits and services of these learned Commissioners. He hoped the present Report would be followed by results as beneficial as had ensued from their last Report.

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