HL Deb 06 August 1860 vol 160 c687

The Standing Orders relative to Private Bills, and also Standing Orders, Nos. 37 and 38, considered (according to Order) and dispensed with.


moved to resolve, That inasmuch as the Mistake in the Number of One Section referred to in another Section which the Bill is intended to rectify would, if not remedied, render inoperative an important Provision in the Act; and such Mistake arose from an Amendment made on the Third Reading of the Bill in this House, by which Two Sections were struck out; the Circumstances which render Legislation on the Subject of the same expedient are of such recent Occurrence, the Bill having only received the Royal Assent on the 23rd Day of July last, as to render the immediate Consideration of the same necessary.

Resolution agreed to.

Bill read 2a (according to Order).

Committee negatived.

Bill read 3a and passed, and sent to the Commons.