HL Deb 03 August 1860 vol 160 c627

moved, That as regards the Senior Member of Council (India) Bill, inasmuch as doubts as to the authority of the Senior Member of the Council of the Governor General of India in the absence of the President appointed by the Governor General have recently arisen, and unless at once set at rest might embarrass the Proceedings of the Council and produce serious public inconvenience; the circumstances which require Legislation on this subject appear to this House to be of such real Urgency as to render the immediate Consideration of the same necessary.


remarked that although the principle had been frequently proclaimed and applauded in Parliament, that India ought to be governed in India, the only steps which had been taken had been in a contrary direction. He hoped that the Council at home would not be allowed to encroach upon the powers and influence of the Government in India.

Resolution agreed to.

Bill read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.