HL Deb 12 April 1859 vol 153 c1624

Commons' Reasons for disagreeing to one of the Amendments made by the Lords considered (according to Order).


moved that their Lordships do not insist on the said Amendment, of which the Commons disagreed.


said, he was quite prepared to accede to the Motion, though he did not think the whole of the objections stated by the Commons were very conclusive. Delay in the passing of this Bill would, he understood, be very prejudicial. If cases of hardship were proved there was no reason why they should not be dealt with by another measure introduced in a subsequent Session. The measure of last year provided for the registration of medical practitioners, and the original object of this amended Bill was to change the period of such registration. Since it was first brought in, however, one or two other Amendments hare been engrafted upon the Bill, which it would perhaps have been better to omit.

On Question, Whether to insist?

Resolved in the negative; and a Message sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith.