HL Deb 21 March 1857 vol 144 cc2477-8

was this day prorogued by Commission.

THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS, namely, the Lord Chancellor (Lord CRANWORTH), the Lord President of the Council (Earl GRANVILLE), the Lord Privy Seal (the Earl of HARROWBY), the Lord Chamberlain of the Household (the Marquess of BREADALBANE), and Lord STANLEY of ALDERLEY (President of the Board of Trade), being seated at the foot of the Throne, and the COMMONS, preceded by their Speaker, being present, the ROYAL ASSENT was given to several Bills.


on behalf of the LORDS COMMISSIONERS, then delivered the following Speech:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,"

WE are commanded by Her Majesty to inform you, that in releasing you at this early Period from your Attendance in Parliament it is Her Majesty's Intention immediately to dissolve the present Parliament, in order to ascertain in the most constitutional Manner the Sense of Her People upon the present State of Public Affairs.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"WE are commanded by Her Majesty to thank you for the liberal Provision which you have made for the Exigencies of the Public Service during the Period that will elapse before the new Parliament, which Her Majesty will direct immediately to be called, shall have been able to give its deliberate Attention to these Matters.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,"

"WE are commanded by Her Majesty to express the Satisfaction which She feels at your having been able, during the present Session, materially to reduce the Burthens of Her People.

"HER MAJESTY commands us to as sure you, that it is Her fervent Prayer, that the several Constituencies of the United Kingdom, upon whom will devolve the Exercise of those high Functions which by the Constitution belong to them, may be guided by an All-wise Providence to the Selection of Representatives whose Wisdom and Patriotism may aid Her Majesty in Her constant Endeavours to maintain the Honour and Dignity of Her Crown, and to promote the Welfare and Happiness of Her People." Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read. After which




"By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name, and in obedience to Her Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Thursday the Thirtieth Day of April next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Thursday the Thirtieth Day of April next."

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