HL Deb 19 March 1857 vol 144 c2434

On Motion that this Bill be read a Second Time,


complained that the Bill had not been printed with the rest of the Bills that had come up from the House of Commons. It was quite true that by usage the whole power of originating money Bills rested with the House of Commons, but the knowledge of the taxation of the country and the application of the public money were matters in which their Lordships had an equal interest. Serious alterations had been made in the form of this Bill, in consequence of the change that had taken place in the Army and Ordnance departments, and, although he did not intend to do more at present than to point out the alteration, he trusted that next Session the subject would come under the consideration of their Lordships.


said, that the usual practice had been followed in not printing this Bill. He would explain tomorrow in Committee the reasons which had led to the arrangement in the form of the Votes to which his noble Friend had drawn attention.

After a few words from Lord PANMURE and Lord MONTEAGLE,

Bill read 2a.