HL Deb 20 August 1857 vol 147 cc1885-6

gave notice, that when the Bill came up from the House of Commons, which he understood would be to-morrow, he would move that the Amendments made in the other House be taken into consideration that day six months. From what he knew of the character of those Amendments, the Bill would come up to their Lordships an entirely new Bill, and he regarded it as one of far too much importance to be considered at that period of the Session, when their Lordships would be deprived of the assistance of those right rev. Prelates whose advice upon such a subject would be most valuable, and of many other noble Lords who were interested in the measure.


hoped all the labour which had been bestowed upon the Bill in that and the other House of Parliament would not be lost, but that their Lordships would think it their duty to consider the Amendments made in the Bill by the House of Commons. He would venture to iterate what he had said on a former occasion, that it would be lamentable if after the time that had been bestowed upon it, the Bill should be lost.


said, that at this period of the Session, and during the absence of the Bishops, who were all now engaged in their respective dioceses, it would be utterly impossible for their Lordships to sufficiently consider the Amendments which had been made by the other House.


expressed a hope that the measure would not be applied to Ireland. There were now very few divorces in that country, and if the Bill before Parliament applied to Ireland it would have a tendency to excite irritating religious differences.