§ Moved to resolve, That as regards this Bill, doubts have arisen as to whether the provisions of the Act of 8 Viet. cap. 116, for the Regulation of Insurance Companies, had not been repealed by the Joint-stock Companies Act, 1856, a provision for the purpose of removing such doubts was introduced into the other House of Parliament in a Bill for the Regulation of Insurance Companies; but such Bill having been lately withdrawn on account of that House not having time for the due consideration of the same, this Bill was introduced to secure the object before mentioned, which appeared to the Commons to require the immediate attention of Parliament; and it is the opinion of this House also, that the circumstances which render legislation on the subject matter of the said Bill expedient are of such ur- 1784 gency as to render the immediate consideration of the same necessary; agreed to.
§ Bill read 2a (according to order), and committed to a Committee of the whole House on Thursday next.