§ "HER MAJESTY thinks it right to acquaint the House of Lords that She has concluded a Convention with His Majesty The King of Sardinia, by which She has undertaken to recommend to Her Parliament to enable Her to advance, by way of Loan, to His Majesty The King of Sardinia, a Sum of One Million Pounds Sterling, contemplated by a Convention made between Her Majesty and His Majesty The King of Sardinia on the 26th 1472 January, 1855, in like Manner, Instalments, and Proportions, and subject in all respects to the same Conditions as if the late War had not been brought to a Close at the Expiration of Twelve Months from the Payment of the first Instalment of the Sum of One Million Pounds Sterling under the last-mentioned Convention:
§ "THE Government of His Majesty The King of Sardinia engages to accept the Advance of this additional Sum on the same Conditions in all respects, especially as to the Calculation and Payment of the Interest, as if such Advance had been made under the last-mentioned Convention:
§ "HER MAJESTY has directed a Copy of this Convention to be laid before the House of Lords, and She relies on the public Spirit of the House of Lords for enabling Her to make good the Engagement which She has thus contracted:
§ "V. R."
§ Ordered, That the said Message be taken into Consideration on Thursday next; and the Lords Summoned.