HL Deb 08 July 1856 vol 143 cc490-1

asked the Secretary of State for the War Department, when Her Majesty's Government would lay before Parliament the Report of the Chelsea Board of General Officers? He was aware that the Report had only been signed by the Commissioners on Friday last, and that it had first to be laid before Her Majesty for her approval; he was also aware that some little time must elapse before it could be laid upon their Lordships' table. Still, when he recollected that they were then in the middle of July, and that it was expected Parliament would be up in the course of another ten days or a fortnight, he did not think it unreasonable to expect of the Government that they would use all the despatch possible in considering this important paper, and presenting it to the House. He was sure he spoke the feelings of the House and of the country when he said that much disappointment would be experienced if the noble Lord were not prepared, at all events, to state some early day on which the Report would he ready to be presented to Parliament.


said, it was impossible for him' to name any day on which he could undertake to lay the Report before Parliament. As the noble Earl had stated, it was signed only on Friday last, and he (Lord Panmure) knew from private information that it was at present in the hands of the Commander in Chief. He deeply regretted to say that he feared the sudden illness of that gallant officer might prevent the Report going to Her Majesty for some little time. After that the Report would for the first time be in the possession of the Government, and he quite agreed with the noble Earl that as soon as it was in the possession of the Government, and they had had an opportunity of forming an opinion upon it, they ought to lose no time in laying it before Parliament.


could not say that the answer of the noble Lord was a satisfactory one. What he wanted to know was, whether the Report had or had not been presented to Her Majesty?


It has not.


It is generally supposed that it was presented to Her Majesty yesterday.


It has not been presented to Her Majesty, at least so I am informed.


said, I understand that it was presented to Her Majesty yesterday. But, be that as it might, I am not satisfied with the answer of the noble Lord, and will renew my question on Friday.

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