LORD WODEHOUSEmoved to resolve—
That as regards the Metropolitan Buildings Bill the principal Provisions of the same are to be carried into Effect under the Superintendence of the Metropolitan Board of Works, a Body proposed to be constituted under the Authority of the Metropolis Local Management Bill, still under the Consideration of this House, to which Measure this Bill is a Supplement, and was consequently delayed in its Progress through the Commons until the Provisions of the said Bill were finally settled; as certain Duties in relation to Metropolitan Buildings now performed by the Board of Works are transferred by this Bill to the Board proposed to be constituted as before mentioned, serious Inconvenience may arise if the Metropolis Local Management Bill should pass unaccompanied by this Bill, and consequently the Circumstances which render Legislation necessary on the Subject Matter of the said Bill expedient are of such Urgency as to render the immediate Consideration of the same necessary.
§ Agreed to; Bill read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.