HL Deb 11 June 1852 vol 122 cc474-5

put a question to his noble Friend the Postmaster General relative to the state of the negotiations with France on the postage question. Having explained the mode in which we were fettered by the treaty made with France on this subject in 1843, he proceeded to state that in 1850 he had made a proposition to France, which would have improved the postal communications between the two countries very materially, but which had nevertheless been refused by the French Government. He wished to know whether the negotiations on that subject had been resumed, whether they were still going on, and, if so, what answer had been given to our proposals by France?


considered that it was not only necessary for the convenience, but that it would also be very much for the advantage of both countries, that a reduction should be made in the expense of transmitting letters between England and France. He considered the proposition made by the noble Marquess to France was a very advantageous proposition to that country, and he was astonished that the French Government was not disposed to carry it out at once. Since his noble Friend had left office, the French Government had notified to him (the Earl of Hardwicke) that it would take his proposition into consideration. He hoped, before long, that he should receive a communication from the French Government, stating their willingness to accede to it.