LORD BROUGHAMwas understood to say a measure of a somewhat similar nature had been previously introduced, which had been characterised elsewhere as a job for the purpose of increasing patronage, though its object was to lop off a payment of 3,000l. a year, which would have been saved to the public. That measure was called a job of Lord Cottenham's, and the House of Com- 550 mons threw out the Bill. He thought it but just to that late noble and learned Lord to make this observation.
The LORD CHANCELLORconfirmed the statement of the noble and learned Lord, observing that Lord Cottenham had desired the suppression of the office. It was also but justice to the Gentleman who had for many years held the office of Secretary of Bankrupts to state that he had long since intimated his readiness to resign the appointment.
§ Bill read 3a; Amendment made; Bill passed.
§ House adjourned till To-morrow.