HL Deb 06 February 1852 vol 119 cc194-5

In reply to an observation of Lord LYNDHURST,


said, that he heard with considerable surprise of the notice which had been given of the introduction of a Bill for the Reform of the Court of Chancery into the other House of Parlia- ment on the 16th instant, because he thought that such a Bill, founded on the Report of the Commissioners, and embodying certain of their recommendations, would require a very great amount of thought and arrangement, in order to make it available for any purpose, and he did not see how a well-considered measure could possibly be prepared before the 16th instant.


would suggest that at whatever time the measure alluded to might be prepared, it should be introduced into that, and not into the other House of Parliament. By that means much time might be saved.


agreed with the proposal of his noble and learned Friend that the Bill had much better be introduced into that House than into the House of Commons. He was aware that there was one motive for introducing it into the other House, namely, the presence there of the learned Commissioners, upon whose most able and learned report the measure would be founded. He had given the subject his best consideration, but he was still inclined to think that, notwithstanding the presence of those learned persons in the other House, it would upon the whole be more expedient that the Bill should be introduced into their Lordships' House.


fully concurred in the surprise which had been expressed that any one could imagine that a Bill could be framed before the 16th instant, founded on a report so laboured and extensive as that which had been presented.


observed that the Bill would probably contain money clauses, which would render it not so fit to be introduced into that House as into the House of Commons.


said, that no objection could arise on the ground that the Bill contained any money clauses, for it was quite common for money clauses to be omitted from Bills begun in the House of Lords, and to be afterwards inserted in the House of Commons.


begged to assure his noble and learned Friends who had spoken on the subject that their suggestions should receive every respect and consideration; but he could not say at present whether he should recommend the Government to introduce the Bill into their Lordships' House.

House adjourned to Monday next.