HL Deb 13 May 1851 vol 116 c937

called attention to the recent experiments which had been made at Putney with coals intended to be consumed in the Navy. The report of the gentlemen employed, Sir Henry de la Beche and Dr. Lyon Playfair, which had been recently presented to the House, stated that specimens of the coal of foreign countries had been furnished, but in such small quantities, that the experiments could not be made in that satisfactory manner which was so essential for the service. He suggested that it would be better to get coals from foreign countries, and especially from India, in such quantities that experiments might be made under the boilers. He also thought it would be desirable that those experiments should be carried much further, and that every atmospheric and other experiment should be tested with the view of determining the most speedy mode of generating steam.


was understood to observe in reply, that no large quantity of foreign coals had been sent, but that everything had been done which it was possible to do with the quantity.

House adjourned to Thursday next.