HL Deb 06 June 1851 vol 117 c552

wished to ask the noble Earl the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster a question, with respect to a law which was carried in the last Session of Parliament, relating to interments in great towns, livery possible attention had been given to it, and the greatest possible interest had been excited out of doors on the subject. It was matter of observation that, notwithstanding that Bill had passed, graves were daily or frequently opened, and the old system of interring continued just exactly as if no legislation at all had taken place. His noble Friend, though the question did not relate to the department with which he was now connected, had taken a most praiseworthy interest in the Bill, and he (Lord Monteagle) would be happy to learn from his noble Friend, as the people of London desired to learn from the Government, what was the reason why, after the legislation of last Session, a system which had been set aside as being inconsistent with the health of the people, was continued precisely as if there had been no legislation? He had not had an opportunity of giving notice; and if it were necessary to make inquiries, his noble Friend would perhaps be kind enough to give their Lordships the information sought after the recess.


said, that he was not previously aware of his noble Friend's intention to ask this question; but he knew that the Board of Health, under the direction of the Treasury, were now in communication with the several Cemetery Companies with respect to the terms on which they could get possession of the cemeteries within the metropolitan districts. He was not acquainted with the precise position of the negotiation at present, but lie believed that it was found to be a financial operation of considerable magnitude, and requiring considerable attention. He quite shared in the impatience which his noble Friend had expressed—that a measure which, he believed, was calculated to produce such beneficial results should be brought into operation with as little delay as possible.

House adjourned to Monday the 16th instant.