HL Deb 27 May 1850 vol 111 c369

then rose to move for certain returns connected with the state of business in the Court of Chancery. He did this, he said, in consequence of having heard it reported, and even seen it publicly stated, that there was an enormous arrear of business in the court which was presided over by his noble and learned Friend (the Lord Chancellor), who, from indisposition, was not present on this occasion: he gave a positive denial to those statements. The arrears in this House consisted of little more than the causes that had been entered this Session; and the arrear in the appeal business had seldom been less than it was at present. He might add that it was not desirable to have the appeal business without arrear, as it frequently happened that a case which was at first appealed from the other courts was afterwards withdrawn on more calm and mature deliberation; and this of course would be prevented if the case were taken up as soon as it was entered. The business was not quite in the same state in the Court of Chancery, but still the arrears were much less than when he took the Great Seal in November, 1830. All this would be shown by the returns, and he thought it was only justice to his noble and learned Friend that they should be brought forward. He could not make this statement without expressing his deep sorrow that his noble and learned Friend was not likely soon to resume his useful and invaluable labours in the Court of Chancery. He deeply lamented that; and whatever arrangements of a temporary nature it might be necessary to make, he earnestly hoped that this fitting opportunity would be taken, which would greatly diminish the sorrow that all felt in the prospect of being deprived of the services of that able and learned and in all respects admirable Judge, of making, on good and sound principles, a permanent arrangement—in which the public and the profession, and the law, and the lawgiver were all alike interested—to remodel the duties of that high officer of State, who was also the head Minister of justice in this country.

Returns ordered.