HL Deb 18 March 1850 vol 109 c1049

said, last Session he had occasion to call the attention of the House to the injustice committed on Mr. Ryland respecting an office which he held in Canada. He was in great hopes that that statement of his case, even in such hands as his, might have led to a reconsideration of the case, either on the part of the Government at home or at the Colony. But he regretted to find that nothing had been done. He did not think it his duty to let it rest where it was. After a full and careful investigation of the case, he retained the opinion that he had already strongly expressed in the House. Understanding that the papers on this subject were about to be laid on the table of the House of Commons, he rose now simply to move that they be produced in their Lordships' House as soon as possible. He probably would found a Motion upon them after the Easter recess. He earnestly hoped that when they were produced their Lordships would pay some consideration to the case; and at a time like the present, when figures and facts were important, and when most righteous measures were being taken to secure compensation to British subjects for injuries received at the hands of foreign Governments—injuries sustained not only by subjects but servants of the Crown—he hoped that the debts in this instance would not be neglected. His Grace then moved an Address for copies or extracts of the correspondence and memorials or representations relative to the claims of Mr. Ryland, formerly Secretary to the Executive Council of Canada.


said, there was no objection on the part of the Government to produce without delay in that House the papers which had been moved for in the House of Commons. He believed that the case of Mr. Ryland had been treated throughout with very great consideration and liberality, and a perusal of the papers justified him in stating that no charge could be made out either against the Imperial Treasury or the Colonial Office on that subject.

Motion agreed to.

House adjourned till To-morrow.