§ Bill read 3a, according to Order.
§ On Question, "That the Bill do now pass,"
LORD BROUGHAMobjected to the Bill on the ground that it would be an unjustifiable interference with the rights of labour and of property. He conceived that Parliament was not justified in interfering in the regulations of master and employer, unless the protection of certain classes of the people imperatively required it. In the case of interference in the labour of children and women in factories, some case might possibly have been made out for interference; but no such case had been made with respect to coal mines. As to prevention of accidents, there were no parties so much interested in preventing them as the owners of the mines themselves; and the appointments of inspectors of these mines would be both unnecessary and injurious. His Lordship concluded by moving to insert "this day three months," instead of "now."
§ The EARL of CARLISLEtrusted their Lordships would think that the principle of tins Bill was justified by the special nature of the case, the appalling number of accidents that had occurred, and the numerous 4 recommendations in its favour from all parties who had inquired into the subject.
§ The EARL of LONSDALEopposed the Bill, considering that it would prove a great annoyance to coalowners.
§ On Question, whether the word "now" shall stand part of the Motion; Resolved in the Affirmative.
§ Bill passed and sent to the Commons.