§ MINUTES. PUBLIC BILLS.—2a Overseers (Cities and Boroughs).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Clergy, and Laity of the Church, that Article 11, Sect. 3, Cap. 2, maybe Expunged from the Criminal Law Consolidation Bill.—From Roscommon, and a Number of other Places, against the Operations of the present Poor Law (Ireland), and also against the Proposed Rate in Aid.—From Maldon, and Bradford, Yorkshire, for the Adoption of such Measures as shall secure to Clergymen Seceding from the Church the full Benefits of the Act of Toleration.—From Cork, for the Enactment of Sanitary Measures.—Also from the same Place, for the Establishment of an Accurate Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Ireland.
§ House adjourned to Monday next.