The ARCHBISHOP of DUBLINmoved an Address that the special report of the Education Commission, relative to the endowed school at Clonmel, lately sent in to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, should be laid upon the table. He said he did so on account of certain charges of a serious nature which were made in it against the Commissioners. He was one of them, though his duties did not allow him to attend to it, and being ignorant of what the charges were, he was naturally anxious that their Lordships should give him an opportunity of inquiring into them.
§ LORD MONTEAGLEdesired to mark a distinction which existed between the Education Commission alluded to, and the Commission of National Education, to which also his Grace belonged, and contributed in an eminent degree by his writings to the object for which it was instituted. He was afraid, if he had not remarked the distinction, a misunderstanding might have gone abroad in consequence of the indefinite terms which had been used.
§ Motion agreed to.
§ House adjourned till To-morrow.