The LORD SPEAKER acquainted the House, That the Lord Chancellor had received the following Letter from the Earl of Dalhousie, in return to the Thanks of this House communicated to him by the Lord Chancellor, in obedience to an Order of this House of the 24th of April last:—
Simla, 14th June, 1849.
My Lord—I have had the Honour of receiving Your Lordship's Letter of 25th April, inclosing the Resolutions which on the preceding Day had been adopted by the House of Lords.
In obedience to their Lordships' Request, I have communicated those Resolutions to General Lord Gough, G.C.B., and to the several Officers referred to therein.
On my own Part, I beg Permission to express the Gratitude and Pride with which I have received this distinguished Mark of their Lordships' Approbation.—I have the Honour to be. My Lord, Your Lordship's Obedient and faithful Servant, "DALHOUSIE.
The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, &c.
The same being read, was Ordered to lie on the Table, and to be entered on the Journals.