HL Deb 25 July 1849 vol 107 c949

PUBLIC BILLS—1a Clergy Relief; Defects in Leases Suspension; New Forest and Waltham Forest.

2a Bankruptcy (Ireland); Chapels of Ease (Ireland); New Zealand Land Conveyances; Royal Pavilion (Brighton); Poor Law Union Charges Act Amendment; Judgments (Ireland).

Reported.—Regimental Benefit Societies; House of Commons Offices; Enlistment (Artillery and Ordnance); Trustees Relief; Militia Pay; London Coporations.

3a County Rates, &c.; Poor Relief (Cities and Boroughs); Small Debts Act Amendment; Boroughs Relief; Stock in Trade; Advance of Money (Athlone to Galway Railway); Relief of Distress (Ireland) (No. 2); Inland Posts (Colonies); Land Improvement Amendment (Ireland); Labouring Poor Act Amendment (Ireland).

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Brougham, from the Inhabitants of Tobago, complaining of Distress, and praying for Relief.—By Lord Redesdale, from the City of London, against the London Corporation Bill.