HL Deb 12 July 1849 vol 107 c211

House in Committee.


proposed a clause for enabling proprietors of estates to grant five acres of land as sites for normal schools.


was understood to offer no opposition to the clause.

And after a few words from Lord CAMPBELL,

The Clause was agreed to.


then proposed the following Clause:— And for the facilitating and obtaining of suitable sites for schools by exchange, be it further enacted. That when any common land not exceeding one acre, parcel of any manor, shall have been given, granted, convoyed, or enfranchised by the lord of the manor as a site for a school, pursuant to the said first-recited Act, and such land or any part thereof shall afterwards be exchanged for other land, pursuant to the power of exchange contained in the same Act, neither the land so originally given, granted, conveyed, or enfranchised by the lord and afterwards given iu exchange, nor the land received in exchange for it, shall revert to or become a portion of the common lands of the said manor, or be subject to any common right or claim or title whatsoever of the lord of the commoners, but shall be wholly discharged therefrom; anything in the said recited Acts contained to the contrary notwithstanding.


objected to the introduction of the clause, on the ground that it would be found inconsistent with the provisions of former Acts on this subject.

Clause negatived.

Report of the Amendment to be received To-morrow.

House adjourned till To-morrow.