§ Took the Oaths.—The Earl of Seafield.
§ Sat first.—The Earl of Buckinghamshire, after the Death of his Brother,
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—2a Highways; Turnpike Trusts Union.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Chelmsford, for the Repeal of all Enactments occasioning Unequal Competition between the English and Foreign Grower.—By the Earl of Eglinton, from Bath, that Measures may be taken to secure the Use of all Railways on Sundays to the Public.—From Wolverhampton, and a great Number of other Places, for the Suppression of Seduction and Prostitution.—From the Royal Burghs of Scotland, for a Repeal of the Game Laws.—By Lord Stanley, from Liverpool, Wisbech, Gainsborough, and other Places, against the Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—From Leeds, against granting any New Licenses to Beer Shops.—From Stirling and Edinburgh, for an Alteration of the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.—From Bath, Kilbrogan, and Bandon, for an Alteration in the Distribution of Grants for Education (Ireland).—From the Cape of Good Hope, against the Introduction into the Colony of any Offenders, of whatsoever Denomination.—From Kirkwall, in favour of referring all International Differences to Arbitration by Neutral Powers; also for a thorough Reformation of Parochial Schools (Scotland).