§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1a Joint Stock Companies; Protection of Females.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From several Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for the Extension of the Benefit Societies Act to that Order.—By the Bishop of Oxford, from Colchester, Braintree, and Bunbury, for the Adoption of Measures for the Suppression of Seduction and Prostitution.—By Lord Portman, from Ax-bridge Union, for an Alteration of the Law respecting the granting of Relief to Casual Poor.—From Marden, against granting any further Concessions to Roman Catholics, and for the Imposition of the Severest Penalties on all those Roman Catholic Priests who shall Denounce Persons from the Altar.—From Hallkirk, for Facilitating the Attainment of Sites for Churches.—From the Presbytery of Brechin, against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill, and Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.— By Lord Kinnaird, from the Managers and Subscribers of several Charitable Institutions, to be Relieved from the Payment of Legacy Duty on Bequests made to them.