§ PUBLIC BILL.—Reported.—Assignment of Ecclesiastical Districts.
§ 3a and passed;—Insolvent Debtors (India); Maxwell's Restitution.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By the Bishop of Winchester, from the Clergy, Gentry, and Others, of Thursley, Ampfield, and other Places, against the Jewish Disabilities Bill.—By the Marquess of Lansdowne, from the Members of several Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity, for an Extension of the Benefit Societies Act to that Order.—From the Subscribers and Managers of several Charitable Institutions in Leeds, to be relieved from the Payment of Legacy Duty on Bequests made to them.—By Earl Grey, Lord Hatherton, and the Bishop of Durham, from a great number of Places in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Yorkshire, in favour of the Jewish Disabilities Bill.—By the Earl of Yarborough, from the Members of the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists of Louth, Carlton, and several other Places, against the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays.—By the Earl of Haddington, from the Magistrates and Town Council of Dunbar, against the Test required from Professors in the Universities in Scotland; also for Improvement of the Present System of Parochial Education, Scotland.—By Lord Stanley, from the Clergy and Laity of the Church of England, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Confirmation of Bishops.—From the Magistrates and Town Council of the City of Edinburgh, for a Revision of the Excise Laws.—From the Ministers and Elders of the City of Glasgow, and from the Parochial Board of Govan, in the County of Lanark, against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—From the Same, against the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.—From the Commissioners of Supply, of the County of Renfrew, for a Trigonometrical Survey of Scotland.—From the Manufacturing Districts of South Lancashire, in favour of Vote by Ballot and Extension of the Suffrage.