§ Took the Oaths.—Several Lords.—Lord Dormer took the Oath prescribed by the Act of 10 Geo. IV. to be taken by Peers professing the Roman Catholic Religion.
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1a Bail for Manslaughter.
§ 2a Queen's Prison.
§ Reported—Administration of Oaths, &c., Court of Chancery,
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED.—From Ashbourn and Edinburgh, against the Diplomatic Relations, Court of Rome, Bill.—From Bannockburn, for the Repeal of the Game Laws.—From Middlewich, against the Admission of Jews into Parliament.—From Bradford, for the Enactment of Sanitary Measures.—From Parish Schoolmasters of Inverary, complaining of the Inadequacy of their Remuneration and for Relief.—From Members of several Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for the Extension of the Provisions of the Benefit Societies Act to that Order.