HL Deb 26 June 1848 vol 99 c1165

Took the Oaths,—The Lord Kilmarnock.

PUBLIC BILLS. Reported.—Certificates for Killing Hares (Scotland).

3a Evicted Destitute Poor (Ireland).

PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Durham, and several other Places, in favour of the Public Health Bill.—From the Borough of Fraserburgh, against any Alteration in the Navigation Laws.—From an Odd Fellows' Lodge, in Nottingham, in favour of the Provident Associations Fraud Prevention Bill, and for the Insertion of a Clause by which their Surplus Capital may be Invested in the Savings' Banks.—From the Royal Burgh of Ayr, in favour of the Law of Entail.—From the Guardians of the Glutton Union, Somerset, for the Adoption of Measures for the Better Suppression of Vagrancy.