§ PUBLIC BILLS.—2° Administration of Criminal Justice; Declaratory Suits.
§ Reported.—Highland Roads and Bridges (Scotland); Wolverhampton Curacy.
§ 3a and passed:—Provident Associations Fraud Prevention; Ecclesiastical Patronage Suits Compromise (Ireland); Prisons.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From the Inhabitants of Bath and Exeter, also from Places in Ireland, against the Present System of National Education.—From the Parish of St. Marylebone, for the Passing of some Measure to facilitate Emigration.—From the Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, against the Edinburgh Police 923 (Amendment and Consolidation of Acts and Police and Sanitary Improvement) Bill.—From the Township of Peterborough, in favour of the Public Health Bill.—From several Congregations of the Wesleyan Methodists at Betley, Namptwich, and several other Places, against the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays.—From the Inhabitants of Belfast, praying for the Extension of the Public Health Bill to Ireland.—From the Grand Jury of Limerick, for some Enactment for the Completion of Roads, Ireland.