LORD CAMPBELLsaid, there was another measure which he hoped would he passed with almost the same rapidity as the one just disposed of. He meant the Public Health Bill, which he held in his hand, and which had undergone the most careful consideration from a Select Committee of their Lordships' House. He was not aware that the Bill would receive any opposition, and he therefore moved that the House should resolve itself into a Committee upon it.
§ After a few words from the Earl of 757 ELLENBOROUGH, the House went into Committee.
LORD CAMPBELLsaid, that the measure introduced by his noble Friend opposite (Lord Redesdale) for the prevention of the smoke nuisance had been one of the improvements introduced by the Select Committee into the Bill.
§ After a few words from Lord REDESDALE, which were inaudible, the Bill passed through Committee.
§ House adjourned.