§ Took the Oaths.—The Lord Clements.
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Prisons.
§ 3° and passed:—Game Certificates for Killing Hares.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Merchants of Cork, against any Alteration in the Navigation Laws; and from the Grand Jury of the same City, for the more Efficient Support of the Medical Charities of Ireland, by an Equitable Assessment of the several unions in Ireland.—From Lancaster and Rochdale, for the Adoption of a System of Secular Education in the County of Lancaster, to be supported by the Local Rates.—From Fortingal, and other Places, for the Rejection of the Marriage (Scotland) Bill, and the Registering Births, ?c. (Scotland) Bill.—From Visiting Justices of the County Gaol of Reading, for the Adoption of Measures for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders.—From Chairman and Members of the Committee of the Bristol Association for Improving the Public Health, in favour of the Public Health Bill.