HL Deb 03 July 1848 vol 100 cc2-4

LORD REDESDALE moved the following Resolutions in order to their being made Standing Orders, and added to the Standing Order No. 23:— The name of the Lord who moves the Second Reading of any Public Bill shall be entered in the Journals of the House. The name of the Lord presenting a Public Bill to the House, and of any Lord who shall give notice to the Clerk Assistant that he intends to move the Second Reading of any Public Bill brought up from the House of Commons, shall be endorsed on the print of such Bill; and no print shall be delivered to the Lords without such endorsement; and the name of the Lord thus taking charge of any Public Bill shall be printed in the Minutes of Proceedings of the House in connexion with the same.


said, it appeared to him, that some delay and inconvenience might be created if Bills coming down from the Commons could not be immediately proceeded with by their Lordships.


said, he approved of the principle of the resolution proposed by the noble Lord opposite. He would suggest that the rule brought forward by the noble Lord should be extended to Divorce Bills. It had hitherto been frequently impossible to ascertain who was the Peer who had charge of a Divorce Bill, and much inconvenience was thereby produced.


said, he could see no difference between a Divorce Bill and any other Bill.


said, the practice in the House of Commons was, when a Bill came up from that House to endorse it "From the Lords," without specifying the name of any particular Peer; and a similar course prevailed in the House of Lords, to change which he thought would be inconvenient.


suggested that it would be sufficient to have the name of the Peer moving the second reading of a Bill entered on the Minutes.

Resolution agreed to as follows:— The Name of the Lord, presenting a Public Bill to the House, and of the; Lord who shall give Notice to the Clerk Assistant that he intends to move the Second Heading of any Public Bill brought up from the House of Commons, shall be printed in the Minutes of Proceedings of the House, in connexion with the same: The said Resolutions to be made Standing Orders; and to be added to the Standing Order No. 23.


then, pursuant to notice, moved the following verbal alterations and amendments in the Standing Orders, namely:— In Standing Order No. 8, insert the Words—'the House shall proceed to nominate the Chairman of Committees, and' after the Word 'then' and before the Words 'the Committee for Privileges,' and to insert the Words 'the Chairman of Committees nominated after the Word 'reported.' In Standing Order No. 26, to insert the Words 'for the First Time' after the Word 'committed.' To add to the Standing Order No. 31—' That the Lord nominated Chairman of Committees at the commencement of every Session do take the Chair in all Committees of the House, and in all Committees of the Whole House, and in all Committees upon Private Bills unless where it shall have been otherwise directed by this House: 'That when the House is in a Committe of the Whole House, if the Chairman of Committees, or any Lord appointed by the House in his Place, shall be absent (unless by Leave of the Committee), the House be resumed.' In Standing Order No. 155, to insert the Words 'for the First Time' after the Word 'committed: To leave out the Proviso at the End of the Fourth Section of Standing Order No. 224.

After a protracted conversation, Motion was agreed to.

House adjourned.