HL Deb 29 August 1848 vol 101 c613

Sat first.—The Lord Ashburton, after the Death of his Father.

PUBLIC BILLS.—1a Postage on Newspapers (Channel Islands); Royal Military Asylum; Taxing Masters, Court of Chancery (Ireland).

2a Poor Law Auditors Proceedings Restriction; Commons Inclosure Act Amendment; Controverted Elections; Dublin Police; Transfer of Landed Property (Ireland); Nuisances and Contagious Diseases; Fever (Ireland).

Reported.—Poor Law Auditors Proceedings Restriction; Sheep and Cattle Importation Prohibition; Sheep and Cattle Contagious Disorders Prevention; Sugar Duties; Labouring Poor (Ireland).

3a and passed:—Poor Law Auditors Proceedings Restriction; Reproductive Loan Fund Institution (Ireland),

PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Members of the Nottingham Order of Odd Fellows, in favour of the Provident Associations Fraud Prevention Bill.—From Matterdale, against the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays.—From a Congregation of General Baptists, that Persons objecting to take an Oath, may be allowed to make Affirmation instead.—From Wray, Bolton, and Machynlleth, in favour of the Charity Trust Regulation Bill.—From Members of the Health of London Association, against the City of London Sewers Bill.—From Barn staple, against the present Ecclesiastical Law.—From Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland, for the Introduction of a Clause to Recognise Formally the Thirty-nine Articles.