§ Took the Oaths.—Several Lords.
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1a Registering Births, &. (Scotland); Marriage (Scotland).
§ 2a Removal of Aliens.
§ Reported.—Mutiny; Marine Mutiny.
§ Received the Royal Assent.—Property Tax; Stamp Duties Assimilation; Administration of Oaths, Court of Chancery.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Northiam, against the Admission of Jews into Parliament.—From the Incumbents of several Parishes in London, for the Enactment of Sanitary Measures.—From the Magistracy of the Royal Burgh of Forres, for an Alteration of the Stamp Duties (Scotland).—From Aberdeen, and a number of other Places, for Exemption of Charitable Bequests from Legacy Duty.—From the Members of several Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity, for an Extension of the Provisions of the Benefit Societies Act to that Order.