HL Deb 25 November 1847 vol 95 c209

said, he understood the Bank Directors had come to a resolution, on Thursday last, to the effect that it would be inexpedient to continue to the public the high rate of 8 per cent interest, chargeable under the letter of the First Lord of the Treasury and of the Chancellor of the Exchequer; but that they had to wait until Monday, the day before the meeting of Parliament, before the Government authorised them to carry that resolution into effect. He wished to know if the facts were as he had stated.


complained of the extreme inconvenience arising from the practice of noble Lords putting questions without giving the usual notice of their intention. He was unable to inform the noble Lord further than that his right hon. Friend had an interview with the Governor of the Bank of England on the subject of the resolution in question, and that he had no doubt but that the course taken was in accordance with the arrangement made between them.

House adjourned.