§ PUBLIC BILLS. 1a Factories. Threatening Letters, &c.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Sutton and other places, in favour of the Government Plan of Education.—From Dublin, against the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill.—From Members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for the Abolition of Smithfield Market.—From Langfield and Stansfield, for Limiting the Hours of Labour of all Females and Minors to Ten Hours.—From Guardians of the Callan and Kilmallock Unions, against any Clause being inserted in the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill which would throw the Responsibility of Supporting the Poor on the Occupying Tenant.—From Guardians of the Stepney Union, for the Adoption of the English Poor Law in Ireland.—From Parochial Officers of several places in England and Wales, that Boards of Guardians may be Empowered to grant Superannuation Allowances to Poor Law Officers.