HL Deb 18 March 1847 vol 91 c148

said, that he wished to correct a statement which had appeared in the newspapers, and which had also been made in the other House, with respect to the Wellington Statue. Some of the members of the sub-committee had called upon him that day, and urged him to contradict the statement which had been made, namely, that the sub-committee was in a condition to place the statue on any other ground than that on which it at present stood. The subcommittee was not pledged to any new site. It could take down the statue, but nothing more. The committee was also of opinion, that when it had discharged its duty by taking down the statue, the statue itself would be seized by the Government. The subscribers would then have to make their own arrangements with the Government. The committee could have nothing whatever to do with them. He very much regretted that there should be this contention on such a subject.


I am not officially aware of what has passed on this subject between the sub-committee and the Woods and Forests. When the noble Marquess talks of contention, I must state, that I am not aware that any contention has arisen on the subject of this work of art, other than the laudable contention of considering in what manner the greatest honour can be paid to the Duke of Wellington, and how the statue, so justly intended to do him honour, can be placed in the most conspicuous situation, and the one most conformable to the public taste; and the only contention that has taken place on this subject, has been how that can be effected, not only in conformity with the wishes of the Government and of both Houses of Parliament, but of the whole of this nation.


said, he only wished to state that the subcommittee could do no more than take down the statue, and place it at the bottom of the arch.

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