HL Deb 18 June 1847 vol 93 c699

The EARL of RODEN, referring to the circumstance of the Great Britain steamer having run ashore last autumn in the Bay of Dundrum, near his residence, observed, that, notwithstanding she had been very much damaged by being exposed to the tremendous sea which set into that bay during the winter months, there was every probability of her being got afloat. Mr. Brunei, the eminent engineer, first attempted to obtain this result by making a breakwater with fagots; but, this not proving sufficient, Captain Claxton, a very eminent officer in the Navy, had directed that another breakwater of large green timber should be placed before this breakwater of fagots; and, through his exertions and ingenuity, there was reason to believe that, in the course of the next month—that is to say, during the first tide in July—the Great Britain would be got afloat and taken to Liverpool or Bristol. It was right that the method pursued by Captain Claxton should be properly made known, as it might be useful to the shipping interest to be acquainted with it, in the event of a similar calamity occurring at any future period. He should, therefore, like to know whether the Admiralty had sent over any person officially to see what had been done for the safety of the Great Britain?


said, he had received detailed reports on the subject, and would be ready, if desired, to lay them on the Table of the House. In the meantime, instructions had been sent to the admiral on the Irish station to lend the aid of the most powerful steamers at his command in the attempt to get the Great Britain afloat.

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