§ The MARQUESS of LANSDOWNE moved the consideration of the Commons' Amendments to the Lords' Amendments, and the Commons' disagreement to Clause (F.); and proceeded to comment on the various points of difference between the two branches of the Legislature, hut in so low a tone as to be totally inaudible in the gallery. The noble Marquess recommended their Lordships to acquiesce in the Commons' Amendment, and moved, to agree to the Commons' Amendments, and not to insist on Clause (F.), to which the Commons had disagreed.
The EARL of WICKLOWcertainly thought the Amendments introduced by their Lordships improvements, but was not disposed to insist on them.
§ LORD MONTEAGLEurged the importance of establishing agricultural schools, and regretted that the House of Commons had not thought fit to give effect to their Lordships' intentions in that regard. He trusted, however, that the day was not far distant when those anomalous and overstrained ideas of privilege which forbade the House of Lords from entertaining any money questions whatever, would give way to a more rational practice. The noble Lord then proceeded to censure a practice which sometimes prevailed in another place, of making personal attacks against those who had no opportunity of answering them. Although he had been recently the object of such an attack, he certainly would not use the protection which he enjoyed, as a Member of their Lordships' House, for the purpose of retaliating, feeling that he should best meet the approval of their Lordships by not condescending to bandy words with an individual Member of the other House.
§ The MARQUESS of LANSDOWNEsaid, he thought the noble Lord had exercised the soundest discretion, and had best consulted his own dignity and that of their Lordships' House, by not replying to the observations supposed to have been made in another place. With regard to the schools to which the noble Lord alluded, he begged to say that the Government would be always ready to consider any suggestions which might be made to them on the subject.
§ The EARL of DEVONadvocated a strict adherence to the Orders of the House in reference to words spoken elsewhere, and lamented the departure from those Orders which had been observable of late years.
§ Motion agreed to.