§ PUBLIC BILLS.—2a Poor Removal Act Amendment (No. 2); Consolidated Fund (Appropriation); Commons Inclosure (No. 3).
§ Reported.—Herring Fishery (Scotland); New Zealand (No. 2).
§ 3a and passed:—London Bridge Approaches Fund; Canal Companies; Destitute Persons (Ireland, No. 3); Highway Rates; Militia Pay; Copyright (Colonies); Public Works and Drainage (Ireland); Constabulary Force (Ireland); Mussel Fisheries (Scotland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Beaumont, from Cardiff, and a great number of other places, against the Proposed Plan of Government Education.—By the Duke of Richmond, from Norwich, for Repeal of the Existing Laws relative to Rating, and the Law of Settlement; from Sussex, for Repeal of the Duty on Malt; and from Agricultural Tenants of Nottingham, for Compensation for unexhausted Improvements, and to place them on the same footing as Tradesmen and Manufacturers as regards Fixtures and Buildings erected by them for the purpose of carrying on their Business.