§ PUBLIC BILLS.—la Poor Removal Act Amendment (No. 2); Canal Companies; Destitute Persons (Ireland (No. 3); New Zealand (No. 2); Militia Pay; Copyright (Colonies); Public Works and Drainage (Ireland); Constabulary Force (Ireland); London Bridge Approaches Fund.
§ 2a Recovery of Public Monies (Ireland); Herring Fisheries (Scotland); Post Office; Navigation (No. 2); Mussel Fisheries (Scotland).
§ Reported.—Compensation for Damages (Ireland); Drainage of Lands (Ireland); Stock in Trade (Exemption); Joint Stock Companies; Polling at Elections (Ireland).
§ 3a and passed:—Poor Relief Supervision (Ireland); Poor Laws Administration; Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Amendment; Railways (Ireland, No. 2); Fishery Piers and Harbours (Ireland); Turnpike Roads (South Wales); Canada Consolidated Revenue Fund; Print Works; Shannon Navigation (Ireland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Glasgow, for the passing of a General Harbour Conservancy Bill for all Ports, Harbours, &c. in the United Kingdom.—By Lord Brougham, from Stranraer, against the Mussel Fisheries (Scotland) Bill.—From Stockton-on-Tees, and Kingston-on-Hull, for the Enactment of Sanitary Measures —By Earl Grey, from Free Inhabitants of the District of Dingog, that Transportation may not be removed from New South 324 Wales on any Terms and Conditions whatever; and from Inhabitants of Port Philip, for the Prevention of the Indiscriminate Pledging of the Land Funds as a Security for a Joint Debt, and that the District of Port Philip may be Separated from the Government of the Colony of New South Wales.