§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1a Compensation for Damages (Ireland); Drainage of Lands (Ireland); Stock in Trade (Exemption); Polling at Elections (Ireland).
§ 2a Drainage of Lands (Scotland); Shannon Navigation (Ireland); Turnpike Roads (South Wales); Canada Consolidated Revenue Fund; Print Works; Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Amendment.
§ Reported.—Seduction and Prostitution Suppression; Hail-ways (Ireland, No. 2); Fishery Piers and Harbours (Ireland); House of Commons Costs Taxation; Tithes Commutation.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, complaining of certain Grievances, and praying for Relief.—From the Rev. W. Graves, complaining of the Operation of the present Law relating to the Tithes, as injuriously affecting the Interests of the Clergy.